burgin academy 21st century after school program

Burgin Academy has had a great year! The final day of the Burgin Academy program for the 2019-2020 school year is Thursday, May 9th. But the fun doesn’t stop there! Burgin Academy will return Monday, June 3rd, for the all-day summer program, which runs Monday - Friday, June 3rd - 28th, 8am - 2pm. You can read more about the summer program here, and fill out this form to participate! Please return your form to the school by May 17th.

upcoming dates

April 24th - Early Release Day - No Burgin Academy Afterschool Program

May 9th - Last Day of Burgin Academy Afterschool Program

June 3rd - First Day of Burgin Academy Summer Program

June 28th - Last Day of Burgin Academy Summer Program

 For more information about Burgin Academy, please email Lisa Rath, Burgin Academy Director, at lisa.rath@burgin.kyschools.us, or call the school at 859-748-5282 ext. 220.